After working in the Baby Lock booth all day, Nancy rushed backstage to spend a frenzied hour or so doing the sound check and getting her many samples unpacked and in the proper order...

Then, I had my bad moment -- I realized none of us had time to eat lunch -- and now we're going to miss supper as well. So I hit the snack bar...but it was SLIM PICKINS...

As hungry as we all were -- stale beef jerky was not the answer. I'd have to be on a desert island, starving to death before I'd take another bite of this shoe leather...

So now you know how Nancy Zieman stays so slim and trim. NOBODY FEEDS HER!!
HEY -- if you are experiencing withdrawals during my Rita-blog-break -- I'm sending you to one of my favorite sewing blogs - Nancy Zieman's.
AND -- here's another benefit. Nancy recently put up ALL THE EPISODES from Sewing With Nancy!! So you can go to the internet now and watch Nancy's shows to your hearts content!!
I'm trying to learn how to link to OTHER SEWING blogs to help promote the show, and, of course, the bigger issue -- OUR LOVE OF SEWING...!!
So -- if you have a favorite sewing blog you follow -- please let me know!! Send me an email -- ritafar@aol.com with a link and why you like it!
THANKS, NANCY...Great Job on Friday Night LIVE -- and THANKS, too, for putting all your episodes of Sewing with Nancy online!
TOTALLY FREE, PEOPLE...here's another picture of YOU...waiting to get into the FNL event..

We're working on the 2012 Sewing & Stitchery Expo -- so if you have any ideas or special requests -- SEND THEM TO ME...
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