Who's that in Nancy's class? CARMEN from Quality Sewing!! Hey -- one of Expo's most popular vendors. Of course, with Baby Lock sponsoring the 2011 Friday Night LIVE event -- Carmen and Nancy had a lot to talk about...

The BIG ANNOUNCEMENT at Baby Lock Tech was that Nancy Zieman is launching her brand new internet television show. Which is available 24 hours a day!! AND it's all FREE. You can go to Nancyziemantv.com any time to watch FREE how-to sewing videos. You can also read Nancy's behind-the-scenes blog, post comments (to be eligible to win great prizes), AND print valuable coupons -- which can be redeemed at your participating Baby Lock dealers!!
I'm telling you...the sewing fun never ends!! The internet makes it possible for us to SHARE OUR LOVE of sewing with each other every day -- throughout the whole year...
So -- JUST FOR FUN -- let's do this. We have started a Fan Page on Facebook -- go there now and become a fan Sewing & Stitchery Expo FACEBOOK PAGE...Hey -- YOU CAN POST YOUR OWN PICTURE ALBUM. And we would LOVE to see your Expo pictures!!
THEN GO TO NANCY'S FACEBOOK PAGE. If all of us become "fans" on the same day -- we'll send her numbers through the roof!!