THIS is the ticket office, inside the Showplex building. We tried to improve the way we sell seminar tickets "at the show". For one thing, we had an "Expo Extra" sheet at the gate every morning -- listing some of the available classes. The women in the ticket office did an AMAZING JOB...

AND -- this is one of our busy vendor booths! A brand new exhibitor -- BONASH -- came and delivered wonderful demos. They had GREAT traffic in their booth and it was obvious that a lot of us were just hearing about the fabulous 007 bonding agent. Sooo much fun. And, it leaves the fabric soft and supple...PERFECT...I used it for one of my Ya Ya projects -- it worked perfectly.

IT WAS A GREAT SHOW. I'll be putting up a lot of pictures in the next coupla weeks. Be sure to check out both blogs...remember -- the 'bathroom pictures" all go over on my personal blog!! (ritassewfun.blogspot.com) lol...
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