Yahoo!! All this work, all the planning, the blogging, the sewing -- it is all about to COME TOGETHER for the biggest sewing party in America...Last year's Ellissimo winner -- Lois Carpenter -- will be there with her sewing friends...

As I get ready to run out the door -- I want to make sure you know that even if you didn't get around to ordering your seminar and/or event tickets in advance -- you CAN BUY THEM at the show. There are lots of classes and events available and you can buy tickets THE DAY OF THE EVENT.
The Ticket Booth is in the Showplex building -- over by the Free Stage. They accept cash, check or credit cards. And if you end up being able to go to the show for an extra day -- that should be your FIRST STOP...

And -- this year -- as you come in the gate -- you will be given a very simple one-page "flyer". The PURPOSE OF THE FLYER is to let you know what classes and/or events ARE AVAILABLE ON THAT DAY...

Okay. That's it. I'm packing up my bags and getting on a plane...
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