Sorry -- but I'm still struggling with this badly designed-yet-brand-new Blogger template. My pictures get all screwed up, and the code often doesn't have a beginning or an end...there are words behind the images....this has been a HUGE learning curve. AND I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU!! So I'm just going to write -- and if the pictures do not jive with the words -- you'll just have to learn to live with it.
It was a pleasure for me to visit the beautiful Seattle area in May. I stayed at Gail Brown's condo -- and enjoyed early morning walks along the beach. Wow. That ocean is a thing of beauty, people... So every morning, I started off by clearing my head...and there are always a THOUSAND THINGS SWIRLING AROUND up
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Janet York is Operations Girl. She is the face of the show when it comes to vendors. And negotiating with the fairgrounds. And the show dresser. And the AV company. Well -- you can see -- it's a BIG JOB...
Because it doesn't JUST HAPPEN, people. We're always planning ahead. There are so many things to consider. New teachers, new events, how it went LAST year, etc. We go over every suggestion or idea that you sent in. Joanne Ross is writing the after-the-show newsletter. The good news -- as you already know -- is that 2012 was a FABULOUS SHOW. Thank you once again for -- being there!! Our numbers are holding strong. Although we were down by 300 on one day -- we were up by 300 on another day. And in these economic times -- we consider that a HUGE VICTORY.

Our special events were sold out successes. Friday Night LIVE with Martha Pullen was sold out -- and I guess it didn't hurt that Baby Lock gave away 5 sewing machines that night!!
Saturday -- our Quilter's Night OUT -- with Alex Anderson was also a great success. Thanks to Bernina for providing those fabulous canvas tote bags (mine is currently carrying 50 Barbie Dolls) -- and a quilting sewing machine.
There are always a few complaints -- but it is amazing how FEW they are. Really. We know the tents can be cold, but most of you understand that's the WEATHER -- and if we could build a new building for you, we'd do it. We're just grateful that the ShowPlex replaced the old horse barn. Remember those days? lol...
And hey -- maybe next year it'll be warm and sunny!! Then, of course, there will be complaints about the tents being too hot...ugh...
Mostly -- we appreciate you -- the BEST AUDIENCE in the whole wide world. You come, you learn, you sew, you laugh, and you do VERY LITTLE COMPLAINING. I have always beleived that women who sew are the most giving, generous people in the world. And you proved me right again.
HOW GREAT ARE YOU?? That you brought 4,480 hand sewn pillowcases to the show -- to give to the children of Mary Bridge?? AMAZING...
During my visit to Puyallup for the planning meeting -- I spent my last morning at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital -- and I have some great pictures that I'll be sharing in the coming months.
We're working on a BRAND NEW EVENT for the Sunday charity event -- and we'll be announcing some big changes in the coming months. SO STAY TUNED, PEOPLE!!
Because we are working on the 2013 Sew Expo -- and we want it to be the BIGGEST AND BEST EVER...!!