You know we have a full roster of PROFESSIONAL STYLE SHOWS up on the Expo Runway (upstairs in the Pavilion) every day. This year -- we have Suede with Simplicity, Sandra & Marcy, Pfaff, Pati Palmer for McCall's, Linda & Louise.
These Fashion Shows take a lot of work and time to prepare -- for months before the show. Our speakers work hard to bring the NEWEST AND LATEST to these shows -- and we hire professional models to make sure they are TOP NOTCH...
However, every day -- our professional models have to eat lunch...

Yes, in this picture, you can see five of our models sharing a plate of veggies...

SO -- during that time -- when OUR models are "allegedly eating lunch" -- we try to put something entertaining up on the Expo Runway. We like to call these our "Nooner Events"...
This year -- we've put together a KILLER ROSTER of Nooner events.
Expo Runway, 2nd Floor Pavilion
Thur., 12:30 - 1:15
--Bernadette Griffith, from Juki Sewing Machines will be presenting a BRAND NEW, NEVER BEFORE SEEN "Serger Fashions" style show. She's asked me to introduce her -- and I decided I had to make a NEW SERGER GARMENT for this special occasion.
It's wild. And I'll give you this hint -- it's VERY yellow.

Bernie doesn't know it yet -- but my wild serger garment will be a special door prize. THEN -- next year -- it's your job to either wear the garment to a sewing event or recycle it as something more interesting. The whole point, of course, is for you to SEND ME I can blog about it's journey...
Expo Runway, 2nd Floor Pavilion
Fri., 12:30–1:15
One in eight women will be affected by breast cancer and hats can help
them through this bump in the road. Bonnie Britten, a breast cancer survivor,
and her identical twin sister Barb Clark will present Hatzoff!—featuring
turbans, wraps, fedoras, etc. Their custom sewing business is called One of
a Kind by Two of a Kind.
We have two personal friends of mine. Bonnie Britten used to teach at my store in Clinton, Iowa. She was the first person I ever met who used to "name her outfits". I remember one very snazzy outfit called, "Dancing with Wolves". Bonnie is a Sorority Mom now for the University of Washington. But her twin sister, Barb Clark -- still lives in the midwest -- here's a picture of her home in Illinois -- where I joined them for lunch one beautiful summer day...

Bonnie put up a huge display of the pillowcase dresses she was making...Lillian nearly wore her's out!!

AND IT IS SO EXCITING that the two of them have put together a special show for the 2012 Sewing & Stitchery Expo -- and I can hardly wait to see what they're bringing!!

12:30 on the Expo Runway upstairs in the Pavilion
You must come see the Inspired2Sew duo. Jan Potter (on my right -- the birth mother of the Hey Rita tote) and Bonne Swett will be unveiling their Sew Expo CHALLENGES.

As a special surprise -- this year -- me and THREE OF MY SEWING SISTERS will be joining them on the stage.
And we're all bringing a different version of their BRAND NEW SIMPLICITY TOTEBAG PATTERN. We've taken it on as our own personal sewing challenge...

AND if that isn't enough excitement -- we will be GIVING AWAY Rita Farro's 2011 Sew Expo jackets at this event.
YES, THAT'S RIGHT -- my gorgeous, incredible, embroidered embellished 2011 jackets!! I'm going to send them off into the world -- and your job is to SEND THE PICTURES BACK TO ME.
It'll be fun to blog about where the jackets go, who got them, and what they did during the year 2012...
SUNDAY, March 4, 2012
12:30 on the Expo Runway
The FREE Fashion Show put on by the IPCA designers -- showing you the "fan favorites". YOU PICKED them -- by getting your Midnight Magic passport and voting during the show. Turn in your passport, and you'll be eligible for some fabulous door prizes.
WOW -- that is a VERY EXCITING roster of FREE Nooner events, don't you think?? I AM SO EXCITED...See you there!!