This is just a random airport picture. It feels like I spent most of the month of May in a plane, train or automobile -- traveling. (actually, there were only pictures of trains -- no actual rides)...

On my first day in Puyallup -- we hit the ground running -- with a meeting of all the committee heads. As you can see -- IT TAKES A VILLAGE...EVERYBODY in this picture has a job. Ticket committee, CTA organizer, Door Prize chairman, etc. It was very interesting for me to be a part of this recap meeting. Thanks for inviting me, ladies!!

During the lunch break, Mary Collen (Style Show manager) is trying to show me and Ann how we can download a free QR reader to our receive advertising, special offers, coupons, etc. Don't get your hopes up -- we're still a coupla years away from actual smartphone marketing.

Or -- maybe I'm wrong! Do you have a smartphone? Do you know what a QR reader is? I have a new "smartphone" -- but the problem is -- a phone is only really as smart as the person operating it. So my poor phone doesn't get to show off very often...
Somebody should be selling a "smartphone for dummies"...
Anyway -- on Day Two -- the Expo team got down to brass tacks. (that means, yes, it was painful)...We started off by reviewing EVERY SINGLE SUGGESTION OR COMPLAINT. In Joann's after-the-show newsletter, you'll get to read all about it.
Guess what the #1 complaint was?? Truly, it was a tie....
#1: The bathrooms stink......or,
Also #1 complaint: Room (tent so & so) was too cold.
If those are the two biggest complaints -- maybe we did good, eh?? Obviously, there isn't much we can do about bathroom odors -- but if we could fix everything for you -- WE CERTAINLY WOULD.
Because we pay very expensive rent for every single room or building we use during the show -- it's important that we utilize ALL THE SPACES TO THE MAX...and, depending on the weather, we always know the tents will be a challenge.
And the very best thing about the tents is that they are SO CLOSE to our main buildings. They seat a lot of people, the teachers get a large audience, you can get from the tent to the Showplex in your 15 minute change-over...
But, oh yes, controlling the temperature is a big problem. If we don't use the tents, we'd lose thousands of possible seats each day. Then what? Would we have to raise the price of those $5 one-needle classes?
See the problem?
Yes, we feel your pain. We hate the tents, too. But, on the other hand, we THANK THE EXPO GODS that we have them. Those tents allow us to bring you the biggest, most complete class schedule in the country...for the bargain price of $5 for a one-needle seminar.