Yes, Laura, there will be a Totebag challenge this year!!
It always takes some time to put these things together -- but here's what we know so far.
We are no longer able to give away the large paper totebags...and this year we'll be telling you that many, many times as we ramp up to the show...
And -- Since SO MANY OF YOU are into making totebags -- and you know what a big fan I am of carrying a fun totebag AT ALL TIMES...YES -- we want to have a TOTEBAG CHALLENGE...

AND -- so that you can MAKE YOUR OWN 2011 SOUVENIR TOTEBAG -- one of our vendors offered to digitize the show logo -- isn't it beautiful?
Creative DRAWings did both the lettering..

AND our famous hat-lady...

They've been working to include all the formats, and various sizes...and we have tested the embroidery design...IT IS STUNNING...
SO -- WE ARE READY NOW...the embroidery design is beautiful -- and it is totally FREE TO YOU.
All you have to do is send an email to: Soni Grint at:
Creative DRAWings®.
In your subject line, write: FREE Sew Expo logo designs
Soni will send you the designs, in a zip file...with all the different formats & sizes.

Here are the "rules" for the Totebag challenge: Your totebag does NOT HAVE TO BE EMBROIDERED.
1. there are no rules
2. go to the Creative Drawings booth to have your picture taken, and enter to win a HUGE PRIZE
3. We'll be taking a "group photo" at 5:00 every day -- location for the picture to be announced at a later date...
4. the drawing for the wine rof the Grand Prize will take place on the last day of the show...
P.S. -- The Grand Prize IS Creative DRAWings -- a $799 retail value!!
P.S.S. -- you can use ANY TOTEBAG PATTERN -- or create your own. My favorite totebag artists -- Jan Potter and Bonne Swett -- the Inspired2Sew duo -- have THEIR OWN TOTEBAG PATTERN NOW -- with Ghee's!!
Again -- email Soni for the designs at: