Laura Mendoza is a CTA -- and also one of my Facebook friends. I was delighted to see a recent post on her wall that she had won the Make It With Wool contest. She sent me this picture of herself in her FABULOUS JACKET...and I asked her to tell us about the contest. Read on to see her reply...

Hey Rita
My jacket is a McCalls pattern and that is Pendleton wool that I received at the 2008 competition.
The pants are one of Simplicity's Amazing Fit patterns (awesome patterns) and the wool came from Fabric Depot.
Here are some details -
- fiber in outfit must be at least 60% wool - can be sewn or knit/crochet
- must be a complete outfit, or a long enough coat/dress to cover you modestly
- judged on how outfit fits you, construction of outfit, and how the outfit shows the marketability of wool
And, these judges were picky. They caught a missing stitch in one of my buttonholes on the jacket. Also, said my tension was slightly off on one of my seams.
Now, I have to submit photos of me in the outfit, along with with actual garments to the National Make-It-With-Wool. They will judge them and let me know in January, if I get to go to the National convention in Reno. This entire competition is sponsored by the American Sheep Industry Association.
Besides winning the chance to compete at Nationals, I also won a Viking Husqvarna Serger, courtesy of Billie's Fabrics. And, I received 2 1/2 yds of Pendleton Wool, courtesy of Pendleton Mills.
This jacket also won Grand Champion at the Puyallup Fair this past September. I won a Bernina sewing machine there. I'm calling it my lucky jacket :-)
You can't use up creativity; the more you use, the more you have.
I love Laura's signature line -- it is SO TRUE..!!
SEE YOU AT THE SHOW, Laura -- I'm sure you'll be wearing your award-winning new jacket!!