As you know -- we are always trying to IMPROVE the show, and that means adding new things. Our 45-minute, $5 classes are the heartbeat of Expo. However, our attendance for those classes has gone way down. The numbers have gone from a high of 57,000 seminar tickets...gradually down to a low of 31,000. The numbers started to improve when we encouraged speakers to submit two different topics -- so we have INCREASED THE NUMBER OF ACTUAL 45-minute seminars by more than 30% in the last couple of years.
When we listen to YOU -- the message is always the same. You want a deeper learning experience. Because of you, we started to offer "hands-on" classes and they have been a great success. As I write this, I believe most of them are sold out already. But, of course -- each class can only accommodate 30-50 students.
So -- for 2010 -- the BIG NEWS is our new Two-Needle Classes. Our mission IS to deliver that deeper learning experience you keep asking for. So we are taking ONE ROOM this year -- to develop a whole new class concept.
Yes, these classes COST MORE. But they're WORTH IT!! Our speakers have really stepped up to the plate. They understood what we were trying to do from the first moment -- and this is a way we can deliver a class to you that teaches a complete technique or project, step-by-step -- and the handout that you'll get will ensure that when you get home, you can DO IT YOURSELF..!

Here is the criteria that was sent out to all speakers back in August, as we were explaining the new format:
Dear Expo Speaker,
This format is BRAND NEW and it has been created to provide a deeper learning experience for the students. These new classes will be presented in a lecture-demo format with a room capacity of 200. If your class is selected, it will be offered one time only. Although we are embracing technology, these classes cannot be a boring Powerpoint presentation – remember, the attendees are paying $20 for this class. Here’s what makes this class worth the money:
• Teachers will have one hour and 45 minutes to teach a complete “project” or a specific “technique”.
• Make your class a “television show” experience. This special classroom will be equipped with a camera and monitor to help you teach using step-outs (in progress samples) to demonstrate your specific project or technique. The camera person can provide close-ups if you want to demonstrate on a machine (the speaker will provide their own sewing machine and/or serger).
• This room will also be equipped with a laptop computer and LCD projector. You bring your videos or photos on a CD or a thumb drive.
• This room will be staffed at all times by a camera/computer tech.
• Detailed, educational handouts are a big part of this class. You must provide handouts for each student so they may take what they learned home and replicate the project or technique.

Click on this link -- it'll take you TO THE WEBSITE for a complete listing:
Two Needle Classes